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The Seagull

First Performed in 1990 at the Birmingham Rep.



Written by Anton Chekhov

Translated by Michael Frayn

Directed by Anthony Clark



Peter Guinness, Neal Foster, Emily Raymond, Jack Smethurst, Michelle  Wade, Michael Eaves, Roberta Taylor




"What comes across strongly from Anthony Clark's beautifully staged production is a sense of wasted lives" The Guardian


"The entire production which marks the debut of Anthony Clark as the Rep's new Associate director is beautifully staged, timed and paced." What's On


"Clark is good at drawing out Chekhov's humour" Financial Times


"All the roles are well played: Anthony Clark makes an eloquent ensemble of his cast. He avoids the English Style of chekhov, bitter sweet and Edwardian in tony, preferring to stress the abrupt comedy, the harsh unsentimental quality of the play. This is a Chekhov production which a Russian theatre-goer might recognise and applaud." Daily Telegraph


"Anthony Clark's eloquent and strongly cast production... Throughout, the ensemble playing is admirable, pulling you into the little community on Sorin's estate and giving off that distinctive Chekhovian sense of society as an orchestra composed of self preoccupied soloists. Clark brings this out in witty ways..." The Independent

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