The Lion's Raj
First Performed in 1983 on TARA National Tour.
Written by Jatinder Verma
Directed by Anthony Clark
Designed by David Rogers
Rita Wolff, Paul Bhattacharjee, Naim Khan
"The company communicated their themes from Ghandi's life: deportment lessons, learning in England that 'impetuosity is a sin', restraining violent rebels in India. The transitions between the scenes are always clear - the tone, rhythm and lighting so well controlled that subtle alterations in them could be used to signal complete changes of time and place." The Scotsman
"Enlivened by the treatment of English civilization, in incorporating dance, drum and incantation, Lion's Raj shows what a wealth three good actors can create" -Festival Times
"Talent that deserves to be seen" Leics Mercury
"The play is very compelling to watch." Asian Post.